Board Games: Good Clean Fun!

Board Games: Good Clean Fun!

I don’t think its a huge stretch to think most of my readers are unique. Most board gamers aren’t into the same type of “party” that other people are into. Instead of alcohol, our parties usually involve boards, dice, meeples, and what I, and many others, like to call Good Old Fashioned Fun. 

I was always a little awkward growing up. Nerdy. I was part of the high school choir class or “glee club” as it’s more famously known today. My favorite times in high school were not that of going out to parties and getting trashed, but that of midnight Harry Potter book release parties– all novels 4-7. This was back when Borders book sellers were still open and would hold massive Harry Potter release parties. Our group would start reading the second we got our hands on the book at midnight, and would not sleep until it was finished. That should tell you something significant about the way I liked to have fun.

In fact, the very idea that someone would ever invite me to a true high school party both terrified me and exhilarated me at the same time. I guess it was more true of terror.  I didn’t want to be seen as the “stick in the mud” if i didn’t want to drink or participate in other various nefarious activities that would leave my mind or body out of my control. Drinking, drugs . . . That was just something that didn’t appeal to me. You may have been different than me, and that’s okay. This is one of the reasons, I think, that my love for board games only grew.  

 I may be generalizing here, but most of the people who were into the same things as me didn’t like to do those “traditional party” things either. Our minds were, and still are, the most important things we have of value. I already didn’t think I was smart enough, and I didn’t want to lose any sharpness.   Again, maybe its just me, but I don’t meet that many gamers who drank a ton while playing board games. Inherently, I think board games are good clean fun.

We learn these social games as children (candy land, chutes and ladders, pretty pretty princess, sorry, etc) and some people never get out of the mindset that games are for children. Yet, the Board game industry has boomed in the past couple decades and its only getting bigger.  One of the appeals to board games was and is that they are good clean fun. Most children can play the majority of board games adults play without there being too much vulgarity or “look away” moments. Most movies can’t even accomplish that in today’s society yet board games do this with ease.

By no means am I saying that children can learn all board games. I am just saying, overall, board games are made for most children and adults.  Board games bring you out of your comfort zone and push your brain to think in new ways. I’m constantly learning something new when I play a board game.  They also fire up your social skills, give you ways to improve reasoning and math, and are great family actives. Plus they are fun. Board games engage your mind in so many ways who would ever need anything else? I don’t know about you, but I get pure elation and tingly sensations every time we host and/or are invited to a game night. Finally, they relieve stress by giving you a way to put aside your worries for the day and focus on something else.      

Board games bring the young and old together and help generations of people have fun. That is truly special indeed.  Remember, there’s nothing wrong with having good clean fun. I think others in the board game community would agree. Board games are just one of the avenues to get us there in society. If you’re one of the nerds like me, who never really fit in with normal people your own age, you’re not alone. If you were one of the popular kids you can still play board games and have a great time. Board games are not just for kids. They are for the young and old alike.

I know that there are millions out there who love board games and we stand united with board games and all their upstanding virtuous qualities. I want everyone to experience this type of fun. Come and join us and the board game community will embrace you.